

Architetti EPFL - SIA - OTIA

Avenue de la Gare 41
CH - 1003 Losanna


  • Y + 41(0)79 390 75 92
  • M + 41(0)76 418 11 57


(Yannick Claessens)
is the co-founder of ellipsearchitecture. Graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL, Msc Arch). He has been formed by international offices such as Herzog & de Meuron in Basel, SANAA in Tokyo and Roger Boltshauser in Zürich. He was a teaching assistant for Prof. Anja and Martin Fröhlich at EPFL.

(Mattia Pretolani)
is the co-founder of ellipsearchitecture. Graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL, Msc Arch) and University of Architecture of Venice (IUAV). He worked for LOCALARCHITECTURE in Lausanne, Sauerbruch Hutton in Berlin and Boltshauser Architekten in Zürich. He organized / curated the international workshops event EASA TOURIST 2019. He is currently active as Studio Director in the 1st year of architecture at EPFL for the laboratory ALICE.

(Marion Fonjallaz)
is an architect graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. She joined ellipsearchitecture in January 2022.
She is an EPFL lecturer for the UE course "DRAG(UE) Performativité et environnement construit".

(Kyra Michel)
is an architect graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and from collège Universitaire Sciences Po Paris. She joined ellipsearchitecture in November 2022.
She is an EPFL lecturer for the UE course "DRAG(UE) Performativité et environnement construit".

(Thomas Theillaud)
is an apprentice draftsman (CFC). He joined ellipsearchitecture in September 2022.

(Mael Zahaf)
holds a bachelor degree in architecture from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. He joined ellipsearchitecture in November 2023.

(Camila Perna)
is an interior architect graduated from the Haute école d'art et de design in Geneva and from Central Saint Martins in London. She joined ellipsearchitecture in November 2023.

(Nice people who have passed by)
Carole Depoorter
Antoine Iweins
Maud Nguyen Huynh
Raphaël Stäubli
Arno Wust
Adam El-Hamadeh
Riccardo Acquistapace
Vincent Luetto
Matteo Rezzonico
Kostantinos Dikaros
Arthur Prod'hom


Ellipsearchitecture è uno studio di architettura con sede a Losanna, fondato da Mattia Pretolani e Yannick Claessens nel 2018. Entrambi laureati all'EPFL, sono ora attivi nell'insegnamento dell'architettura. Nel corso della loro carriera, sono stati formati da studi locali e internazionali. La loro pratica è attualmente basata in un contesto svizzero e più ampiamente europeo.

(ellisse + meta-)
Convinti che i parametri di un progetto siano molteplici, l'ellissi (...) o l'omissione volontaria apre il campo dell'interpretazione e rifiuta l'idea di ridurre il progetto a una sola visione. Che sia attraverso esperienze, riferimenti o anche sensibilità, il processo creativo è quindi inseparabile dal meta-contenuto. Le "Figure del Negativo" tentano di dare corpo a un contesto talvolta latente, ma comunque presente.

Per ellipsearchitecture il "nuovo" non esiste. Il progetto architettonico è necessariamente un processo di trasformazione di un contesto specifico. Che sia materiale o teorico. L'architettura è un atteggiamento verso l'esistente.
L'architettura risponde o prefigura la trasformazione degli stili di vita, per questo il rapporto tra individuo, collettivo e pubblico è un parametro che precede la forma o il programma.

(terra battuta)
Dopo la collaborazione con Roger Bolsthauser per il padiglione Sitterwerk a San Gallo, l'architettura di terra è un obiettivo dichiarato di ellipsearchitecture. Senza essere una prerogativa, le sue qualità ecologiche ne fanno un materiale del futuro perché è riutilizzabile al 100% e a basso contenuto di energia incorporata.


(Yannick Claessens)
is the co-founder of ellipsearchitecture. Graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL, Msc Arch). He has been formed by international offices such as Herzog & de Meuron in Basel, SANAA in Tokyo and Roger Boltshauser in Zürich. He was a teaching assistant for Prof. Anja and Martin Fröhlich at EPFL.

(Mattia Pretolani)
is the co-founder of ellipsearchitecture. Graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL, Msc Arch) and University of Architecture of Venice (IUAV). He worked for LOCALARCHITECTURE in Lausanne, Sauerbruch Hutton in Berlin and Boltshauser Architekten in Zürich. He organized / curated the international workshops event EASA TOURIST 2019. He is currently active as Studio Director in the 1st year of architecture at EPFL for the laboratory ALICE.

(Marion Fonjallaz)
is an architect graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. She joined ellipsearchitecture in January 2022.
She is an EPFL lecturer for the UE course "DRAG(UE) Performativité et environnement construit".

(Kyra Michel)
is an architect graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne and from collège Universitaire Sciences Po Paris. She joined ellipsearchitecture in November 2022.
She is an EPFL lecturer for the UE course "DRAG(UE) Performativité et environnement construit".

(Thomas Theillaud)
is an apprentice draftsman (CFC). He joined ellipsearchitecture in September 2022.

(Mael Zahaf)
holds a bachelor degree in architecture from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. He joined ellipsearchitecture in November 2023.

(Camila Perna)
is an interior architect graduated from the Haute école d'art et de design in Geneva and from Central Saint Martins in London. She joined ellipsearchitecture in November 2023.

(Nice people who have passed by)
Carole Depoorter
Antoine Iweins
Maud Nguyen Huynh
Raphaël Stäubli
Arno Wust
Adam El-Hamadeh
Riccardo Acquistapace
Vincent Luetto
Matteo Rezzonico
Kostantinos Dikaros
Arthur Prod'hom



  • Lecture Series, Techne Tectonics, Mattia Pretolani, ALICE-Y1 2021-2022 EPFL, Lausanne
  • Lecture, Opus Terrae a glimpse on rammed earth, Mattia Pretolani, 26.10.2020, ALICE-Y1 EPFL, Lausanne
  • Moderation, Round table, Yannick Claessens & Camille Vallet, LUCERNE TALKS / Symposium on architecture pedagogy, 17.05.2019, HSLU Lucerne
  • Lecture, Pisé: Genèse et Réappropriation d’un Matériau, Yannick Claessens & Mattia Pretolani, 13.05.2019, Private, Lausanne
  • Lecture, Grà: dealing with the vernacular, Yannick Claessens & Mattia Pretolani, 05.04.2019, Laboratoire LAPIS EPFL, Lausanne
  • Lecture, Myths and Narrations in architecture, Yannick Claessens, 30.10.2018, Laboratoire EAST EPFL, Lausanne
  • Lecture, Figures of the Negative: Elements for an Architecture of Contradiction, Mattia Pretolani, 20.09.2018, Warsaw Under Costruction Festival - Neighbours, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Lecture, Forms and Elements of the Negative in Architecture, Mattia Pretolani, 13.03.2018, Private, Lausanne


  • Triest Verlag, 03.2019, Pisé Tradition and Potential
  • Du, 10.2018, Lehmbau heute
  • Werk, bauen, wohnen, 06.2018, Lehm
  • IDEA, 2018, le charme des constructions en pisé
  • Schweizer Baumuster-Centrale Zürich, 07.2018, Einblicke Pisé-Lehmbauaustellung
  • BestOf Architecture, Archizoom, 2017
  • IG lehm, 2017, Mock-up Lehmpavillon Sitterwerk
  • Tracés, 09.2017, Le pisé sous la loupe
  • Baublatt St. Gallen, 09.2017, Dem Lehmbau auf der Spur
  • Tagblatt St. Gallen, 08.2017, Sitterwerk
  • TEC21, 08.2017, Ein genauer Blick auf den Stampflehm
  • EPFL news, 08.2017, Un pavillion en terre crue érigé à St. Gall
  • Hochparterre, 08.2017, Stampfland Schweiz
  • 24 heures, 07.2017, Laisse beton! La terre crue se profile en matériau d'avenir
  • Les Garages, 2015, Six minimal modules
  • Cartha, Relations, 2015, Les Garages